AFTERCARE Instructions
DO NOTHING You will be given a protective film placed over your tattoo. That film is to be left on for 3 DAYS. DO NOT REMOVE IT.
After the 3 DAYS of the protective film. remove the film (preferably in the shower) and wash THOROUGHLY with ANTIBACTERIAL soap.
Use the ANTIBACTERIAL soap for 3 weeks until fully healed. DO NOT use any body wash on the tattoo.
When washing, let the tattoo air dry. Than apply a SMALL amount of UNSCENTED LOTION to keep the tattoo moistened. DO NOT OVER APPLY. if the tattoo is SHINY or CAKED with lotion, you applied too much.
Continue this process 3 TIMES A DAY for 3 Weeks until the tattoo is fully healed.
Your tattoo will go through a healing stage, where for the first 3 days, the access ink and plasma will appear on the inside of the protective film. That will come off with the bandage allowing for a fresh tattoo underneath. If you have leakage or an access of fluid buildup within the film in the 3 day timeframe, please remove the film and complete STEP 2 and below. ALL TATTOOS HEAL DIFFERENTLY. NO POOLS, SAUNAS, OR HOT TUBS FOR A MINIMUM OF 3 WEEKS. There will be differences in how your tattoo will heal, this is just a GUIDELINE.
Please consult a physician if you experience any of the following:
1. swelling for one week or more
2. bad odor coming from the tattoo
3. extreme amount of pain from tattoo after a week or more
4. blisters, pimples, or bumps on or around the tattoo area.
The information given is specific to ANOMALINK LLC locations. Every shop has a different healing process. Please listen to the guidelines and instructions given by your ANOMALINK artist and employee.